Can you guess what this is?
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It's a Mosquito Head!
Can you guess what this is?
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It's a Bee Leg!
Can you guess what this is?
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It's a Feather!
Can you guess what this is?
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It's a Mouse Eye!
Can you guess what this is?
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It's a Planaria!
Can you guess what this is?
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It's a Mouse Kidney!
Can you guess what this is?
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It's a Nematostella (sea anemone)!
Can you guess what this is?
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It's a Mouse Spleen!
Can you guess what this is?
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It's a Butterfly Wing!
Can you guess what this is?
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It's a Wild Violet Petal!
Can you guess what this is?
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It's a Fern Rhizome!
Can you guess what this is?
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Those are Cat Hairs!
Can you guess what this is?
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It's Kelp!
Can you guess what this is?
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It's a Tulip Petal!
Can you guess what this is?
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It's an Onion Root!
Can you guess what this is?
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It's a Fruit Fly (Drosophila) Wing!
Can you guess what this is?
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It's a Lilac Petal!
Can you guess what this is?
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Those are Fish Gills!