How do genetic parasites affect sexual reproduction?

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Illustration by Ananya Nidamangala Srinivasa

What are the functional consequences of rapid genome evolution?

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Illustration by Ananya Nidamangala Srinivasa

What genes are required for sexual reproduction, and how do they evolve?

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eLife Digest Spotlight

Congratulations to Fibo for earning a spotlight in eLife's Digest for his use of mathmatical modelling to study wtf drivers.
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Former lab member Abe Sabbarini earns a NSF Graduate Research Fellowship for his work at Harvard in an unknown essential gene, Zpr1. 

SN 10

Science News names SaraH in list of top ten scientists to watch in 2020.
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Hannah H. Gray Fellow 

Congratulations to Maria for earning a 2021 Hannah H. Gray Fellowship from HHMI that funds exceptionally promising early career scienists from diverse backgrounds.
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GSA Spotlight

Genetics Society of America  focuses an Early Career Scientisit Leadership Spotlight on Ananya .
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Nikki successfully defends her thesis to become Dr. Nicole Nuckolls and leaves to complete her post-doc at the University of Colorado.



We’re always interested in finding motivated researchers to join the lab.

If you are interested in a research opportunity, please email Kimla.