Piotrowski Lab is hiring!
We're looking for Postdoctoral Research Associates.

We study the development and regeneration of the lateral line sensory system in zebrafish at the cellular, transcriptomic and epigenetic level.

Stem cell biology | cell fate acquisition | innate immune system | cell migration.

Feb  2024

February 2024

The Swiss National Foundation has awarded Aurélie Hintermann, a Postdoctoral Research Associate in the Piotrowski Lab, a two-year grant for the fellowship application, "Exploring phenotypic diversification through regulatory evolution in the lateral line of killifish and zebrafish." Congratulations, Aurélie!
January  2024

New pre-print in bioRxiv (Jan 2024!)

When salinity and pH levels of the medium are low, ionocyte progenitors invade lateral line sensory organs, where they help with mechanosensory hair cell function. Julia Peloggia, our predoc, explored how these environmental changes trigger signaling pathways and orchestrate this physiological adaptation.

Read the pre-print here!
August 2021

New pre-print from the lab in bioRxiv!

We took advantage of the accessibility and speed of lateral line hair cell regeneration to profile in vivo transcriptomics at unprecedented spatiotemporal resolution.

Read more here and explore the data in our custom shinyapp!

Death & endings go hand in hand. But what if death stimulated rebirths?
July 2021

Grant Awarded

The Hearing Health Foundation, Hearing Restoration Project awarded us a $100,000 grant to study the epigenetic regulation of hair cell regeneration!
June 2021

Research Scholar presentation.

Gwynna Fuller, our fantastic Summer Research Scholar, presents her work.
May 2021

We made the cover!

Julia’s microscopy of zebrafish sensory hair cells was selected by Dev Cell and appeared on the May issue cover.